Sunday, December 10, 2006

Toxic Spill - 1957

Goodyear 1957

More like this at


Michael C said...

I could use that with my two little twins!! You guys have such a great sitw with plan59. It's been about my only must see website for over a year now!!

David said...

Aw shucks. Thanks Michael! And a big thanks to everyone else (all two of you) who've left a comment.

Patrick said...

I've also been quite an avid reader of Plan59 for a long time now, and have learned quite a bit about the various artists and styles of illustration. I was born in 1968 but for some reason the 30's-50's are completely fascinating to me...thanks for such a great site! (and I'm glad I can finally comment to tell you :D )

suleyman said...

Plan59 is one of the daily stops on my rounds through the interweb. It's really a fantastic site. I think it's changed how I look at modern advertising - the new stuff is such a bore. Thanks for showing us all of this beautiful artwork.
